Journées de l'optimisation 2019
HEC Montréal, 13-15 mai 2019
HEC Montréal, 13 — 15 mai 2019
WA6 Non-Linear Optimization Algorithms
15 mai 2019 09h00 – 10h15
Salle: Nancy et Michel-Gaucher
Présidée par Guillaume Mestdagh
3 présentations
09h00 - 09h25
The conjugate residual method in linesearch and trust-region methods
Like the conjugate gradient method (CG), the conjugate residual method (CR) has desirable properties in linesearch and trust-region contexts for optimization. We investigate modifications that make CR suitable, even in the presence of negative curvature. CR performs as well as or better than CG, and yields savings in operator-vector products.
Keywords: Conjugate Residual Method, Conjugate Gradient Method, Unconstrained Optimization -
09h25 - 09h50
Globalization of high order methods
We examine high-order optimization methods such as Chebyshev, Halley and Shamaanski's methods, which are extensions of Newton's method. We present a globalization of those methods based on a traditional trust-region scheme, and report convergence and numerical results.
Keywords: Higher-Order Methods, Trust-Region Algorithms, Nonlinear Optimization -
09h50 - 10h15
Scaled methods for computed tomography in cylindrical coordinates
Statistical X-ray computed tomography can lead to badly-scaled optimization problems with box constraints.
We introduce modified versions of L-BFGS-B and TRON that use scaled directions to improve convergence without losing the simplicity of bound constraints. Results on simulated CT data are promising.
Keywords: Imaging problems, Scaling, Projected Methods