Journées de l'optimisation 2019

HEC Montréal, 13-15 mai 2019


HEC Montréal, 13 — 15 mai 2019

Horaire Auteurs Mon horaire

TB6 Green Vehicle Routing

14 mai 2019 10h30 – 12h10

Salle: Marie-Husny

Présidée par Gilbert Laporte

4 présentations

  • 10h30 - 10h55

    Benchmark instances for green vehicle routing problems

    • Paula Carroll, prés., University College Dublin, Ireland

    Transport accounts for approximately 25% of global CO2 emissions. We propose VRP instances that include geospatial data, e.g. road elevation, to support the test and development of Green Vehicle Routing Algorithms for Alternative Fuel Vehicles, particularly Electric Vehicles. Our work enables transport actions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    Keywords: Green Vehicle Routing Problems; Benchmark Instances;

  • 10h55 - 11h20

    An exact solution method to the pollution routing problem

    • Magnus Stålhane, prés., Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    • Troels Martin Range, NTNU

    The pollution routing problem extends the well-known vehicle routing problem, by minimizing speed- and load-dependent fuel costs on the vehicle routes, rather than the distance travelled. To solve this problem, we present a novel branch-price-and-cut algorithm. Computational results show that our method can solve benchmark instances of up to 50 customers to optimality within one hour.

  • 11h20 - 11h45

    ANNULÉ/CANCELLED Multi-facility green Weber problem

    • Arsham Atashi Khoei, prés.,
    • Haldun Sural, Professor
    • Mustafa Kemal Tural, Assistant Professor

    We formulate the multi-facility green Weber problem (MF-GWP) by mixed integer second order cone programming. For large instances, heuristics are proposed with relaxed formulations of MF-GWP and modifications of the approaches for the multi-facility Weber problem. The computational experiments compare the proposed approaches in terms of solution quality and time.
    Keywords: Sustainability, Continuous Location, Transportation

  • 11h45 - 12h10

    The electric fleet transition problem

    • Samuel Pelletier, prés., HEC Montréal
    • Ola Jabali, Politecnico di Milano
    • Jorge Mendoza, HEC Montréal
    • Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montréal

    Several organizations need to transition to electric fleets in the next decades. Such transitions are often established by temporal targets, which dictate how many electric vehicles should be in the fleet by a given time period. We therefore present a fleet replacement problem which allows organizations to determine vehicle replacement plans that will respect such targets in a cost-effective way, and we draw managerial insights through numerical experiments.

    Keywords: fleet replacement ; electric vehicles ; city logistics
