Journées de l'optimisation 2019
HEC Montréal, 13-15 mai 2019
HEC Montréal, 13 — 15 mai 2019
TD1 Tutorial - Collaborative Logistics in Practice – Challenges and Opportunities
14 mai 2019 15h30 – 17h10
Salle: CPA du Québec
1 présentation
15h30 - 17h10
Collaborative Logistics in Practice – Challenges and Opportunities
During recent years, horizontal collaboration in logistics has gained attention because of achieved potential benefits such as cost reduction, an increase in fulfillment rates, and a decrease in CO2 emissions owing to reductions in traveled distances. Successful real-world cases, however, are rare since horizontal cooperation in logistics is not usually sustainable. There are many reasons for this and in this presentation we describe a number of issues that may hinder otherwise efficient collaborations. One issue is the design of fair collaboration and its implementation and management over longer time. One example is to establish a cost or profit allocation. Business/market practical issues comprise the collaborative impact on the firms’ strategical level and explain how agreements impact the whole market. There are also behavioral practical issues with human relationships challenges, for example, trust. We also describe a number of successful applications and their savings through collaboration. For these we also discuss how the practical issues were addressed. The applications cover examples from routing, transportation and network design.