Optimization Days 2019
HEC Montréal, May 13-15, 2019
HEC Montréal, 13 — 15 May 2019

MORSC 3rd anniversary
May 15, 2019 10:45 AM – 12:25 PM
Location: CPA du Québec
Chaired by Hyame Alameddine
1 Presentation
10:45 AM - 12:35 PM
Supply Chain Networks Against Time: From Food to Pharma
Supply chains consist of networks of suppliers, manufacturers, transportation service providers, storage facilities and distributors, as well as retailers, and consumers. They serve as the critical infrastructure backbones for the provision of goods and services in our modern global economy. Supply chains have revolutionized the way in which products are sourced, produced, distributed, and consumed around the globe. They may involve thousands of stakeholders from suppliers and manufacturers to hundreds of thousands of demand points. Supply chains, however, are not just about complex manufactured products such as airplanes, automobiles, or computers. While many of the products of supply chains are durable goods that can be shipped and stored for a prolonged period prior to use, others are perishable -- from the food that we ingest, the medicines and vaccines that heal us and save lives, and, for the fashion-conscious -- the clothes that we wear.
In this talk, I will overview our research that emphasizes multiple disciplines from engineering and operations research and management science to chemistry and physics, all with a unifying theme of supply chain networks, and associated perspectives, to model product deterioration over time and perishability. I will describe food supply chains, medical nuclear supply chains, electric power supply chains, and a case study in the pharmaceutical industry. I will also highlight recent results in supply chain quality competition.Free tickets available at: https://bit.ly/2Jfd3vY