Journées de l'optimisation 2014

                             Incluant une Journée industrielle de l'optimisation

                                              HEC Montréal, 5 - 7 mai 2014


HEC Montréal, 5 — 7 mai 2014

Horaire Auteurs Mon horaire

WB1 Planification de la production / Lot Sizing and Production

7 mai 2014 11h00 – 12h40

Salle: TAL Gestion globale d'actifs

Présidée par Raf Jans

4 présentations

  • 11h00 - 11h25

    Lagrangian Heuristic Applied to Lot Sizing on Parallel Machines

    • Diego Fiorotto, prés., HEC Montréal
    • Silvio de Araujo, Universidad Estadual Paulista
    • Raf Jans, HEC Montréal

    This work addresses the problem that involves the production planning of multiple items in a single stage composed of distinct parallel machines and each item can be produced on any machine. We apply a Lagrangian heuristic to obtain upper and lower bounds of good quality for this problem.

  • 11h25 - 11h50

    A Constructive Heuristic for the U-Shaped Assembly Line Problem with Heterogeneous Workers

    • Mayron César de Oliveira Moreira, prés., University of São Paulo
    • Alysson Machado Costa, University of Melbourne
    • Cristóbal Miralles, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    We investigate an U-shaped assembly line balancing problem which deals with an insertion of a set of heterogeneous workers (in terms of task execution times). This problem appears in just-in-time manufacturing systems where disabled workers must be integrated. We propose a mixed-integer model and a fast constructive heuristic. Computational experiments show the efficiency of the proposed approach.

  • 11h50 - 12h15

    Production Planning with Perishable Raw Material Considerations

    • Andrés Acevedo, prés., Concordia University
    • Ivan Contreras, Concordia University
    • Mingyuan Chen,

    In many types of industries, it is common to face significant rates of product or raw material perishability. We discuss about various ways in which perishability can occur in production processes and how this aspect enforces specific constraints on a set of different decisions. We propose new modeling approaches to manage raw material perishability in production planning.

  • 12h15 - 12h40

    Lot-Sizing in a Two-Level Supply Chain with Carbon Emission Constraints

    • Qihua Zhong, prés., HEC Montreal
    • Raf Jans, HEC Montréal
    • Ola Jabali, HEC Montréal

    We present a lot-sizing problem in a two-level supply chain with carbon emission constraints. These emission constraints are distinct from regular capacity constraints because carbon is emitted throughout the chain from production, transportation to inventory keeping. We examine how different Mixed Integer Programming formulations and heuristics perform.
