
Including an Industrial Optimization Day

HEC Montréal, May 7 - 9, 2012


HEC Montréal, 7 — 9 May 2012

Schedule Authors My Schedule

TC1 Séance plénière 4 / Plenary Session 4

May 8, 2012 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM

Location: Amphithéâtre IBM

Chaired by Mikael Rönnqvist

1 Presentation

  • 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

    Coordination Mechanisms in Distributed Systems - Cases from Value Chain Management

    • Sophie D'Amours, presenter, Université Laval

    Value chains are complex systems which span in “space” and “time”. They produce and deliver products and services to end-customers, end-users, and provide diverse values to multiple stakeholders. Value chains are most likely to operate as coordinated networks of distributed business units, individually driven by their own set of objectives and constraints. One challenge is therefore to coordinate the value chain in such a way that it maximizes the values it creates. This raises the need for flows as well as decisions, within and between the units, to be synchronized and to some extend “optimized” for a win-win, efficient business environment. In this presentation, we will discuss the opportunity of using coordination mechanisms to help value chains achieved their goal of delivering high values to the stakeholders. A number of emerging ideas will be presented; they build on anticipation, collaboration and standardization principles. Case studies will be used to present the challenges and potential of designing and implementing some of these coordination mechanisms when social, environmental and economic values are in stake.
