Montréal, Canada, September 3rd to 5th, 2025


Montréal, 3 — 5 September 2025

Current technological, social and political trends provide a unique opportunity to rethink the transportation system and make it safer, cleaner, more efficient and more equitable in the next few decades ahead.

Whether this opportunity will materialize or not will, however, strongly depend on the capability of policymakers, industry stakeholders, academics and citizens to work together towards a common goal. Will our society be up to the challenge? The role of the scientific community in this process will be crucial.

To drive the transformation of the transportation sector, models and data are needed on the one hand to anticipate possible impacts of new mobility solutions, and on the other hand to define the requirements of future transportation systems to achieve sustainable development goals set by society. Approaches are needed to manage the ever-increasing transportation complexity in urban contexts with the interaction between traditional services and new mobility options.

Submission of abstracts

Submission of original contributions in the form of extended abstracts on the following topics are particularly welcome:

  • Automation and transportation
    • Automated and/or connected vehicles, advanced driving assistant systems
    • Intelligent transportation systems and vehicle-infrastructure integration
    • Real-time responsive, resilient and/or robust traffic management
    • Smart logistics and supply chains
  • Challenges in urban and extra-urban transportation modelling
    • Mobility as a Service and complex trip-chains
    • Travel demand in the future mobility landscape
    • Multi-modal and intermodal transportation
    • Transportation safety and requirements for future systems
    • Transportation electrification and the energy transition
    • Freight transportation
    • Micromobility
    • Shared mobility
    • Traffic flow theory in the presence of different levels of vehicle connectivity and automation
  • Sustainability and climate change
    • Pathways to sustainable transportation systems
    • Resilient transportation systems
    • Environmental impact analysis and modeling
  • Data collection and processing
    • Innovative data collection approaches
    • Big Data initiatives
    • Open and reproducible science (open data, open-source code)
  • Optimization and transportation
  • Artificial Intelligence applications to transportation

Contributions on other topics relevant to the scope of the International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling will also be appropriate.

In addition, accepted abstracts will be considered to submit a full paper to a Special Issue in Multimodal Transportation.

Presenters will be selected based on the information provided in the abstracts submitted. Each abstract shall clearly formulate the main messages the authors would like to convey to the audience.

The abstract guidelines are the following:

  • All papers must be submitted in English.
  • ORCiD numbers are optional, but encouraged.
  • Tables and figures should be embedded in the text, near the text that discusses the item.
  • The page size is letter (8.5x11) with normal margins, the font Times Roman or Arial, 10 pt size or larger. Text must be single spaced, single column.
  • The abstract length is four pages maximum including the references.

The submission form is available.

Important Dates

  • February 3rd extended to February 28th 2025: Abstract submission deadline
  • April 7th, 2025: Review results sent back to authors
  • April 28th, 2025: Final abstract submission
  • May 12th, 2025: Final program publication