Journées de l'optimisation 2017
HEC Montréal, 8-10 mai 2017
1er Atelier Canadien sur l'optimisation des soins de santé (CHOW)
HEC Montréal, 10-11 mai 2017
HEC Montréal, 8 — 11 mai 2017
MD6 Planification du transport / Transportation planning
8 mai 2017 15h30 – 17h10
Salle: CPA du Québec
Présidée par Homero Larrain
4 présentations
15h30 - 15h55
Using GPS information to improve transportation planning in the furniture industry and reduce GHG emissions
In this presentation we show how we acquire, transform and analyze GSP data from our partner to determine the congestion faced by its vehicle fleet. We develop time dependent algorithms to optimize their routes in function of congestion data. We can determine the best departure time to minimize the transportation time and evaluate the annual savings in terms of cost and GHG emissions.
15h55 - 16h20
Production routing problem with emission minimization
Aiming to compare the effect of operational decisions on costs and emissions, we reassess the production routing problem under new objectives. We study an integrated system of production, inventory, and routing decisions, in which the commodity produced at the plant is shipped to the customers over a finite time horizon.
16h20 - 16h45
A MIP Formulation For The Rapid Transit Line Design Problem
We propose a tight formulation of the rapid transit line location problem, which consists of positioning stations and segments between them to form a line, in the objective of maximizing O-D pairs coverage under topologic and budget constraints. We test our formulation on artificial and real-life instances.
16h45 - 17h10
The limited stop bus service design problem with stochastic passenger assignment
The solution of this non-linear problem must account for bus capacity and reflect user behavior. Using a bi-level approach, we improve the solution time of a previous algorithm and allow for stochastic assignment, which is arguably more realistic and robust than the commonly used deterministic assignment.