Incluant une Journée industrielle de l'optimisation
HEC Montréal, 7 - 9 mai 2012
HEC Montréal, 7 — 9 mai 2012
WB9 L'internet physique / Physical Internet
9 mai 2012 11h00 – 12h15
Salle: Louis-Laberge
3 présentations
11h00 - 11h25
Deterministic Dynamic Distribution Network Design within an Open Distribution Web: a Tabu Search Based Metaheuristic
In an open distribution web context, distribution networks are dynamically designed through selecting open distribution facilities and how products are to be deployed amongst them. We propose solving the deterministic version of this design optimization problem by a tabu search metaheuristics initialized through greedy heuristics and supported by linear optimization.
11h25 - 11h50
Market Deployment Roadmap Optimization Model
In today’s global economy, entrepreneurs tend ever more to holistically design their business ventures in early stages of business creation. Embedded in the business design process, we introduce an optimization model for market deployment roadmap planning. A case study demonstrates model usage for selecting markets at each business development phase.
11h50 - 12h15
Simulation and Analysis of a Physical Internet Network through Multi-Agent Systems
This presentation shows a multi-agent simulation of a physical Internet network between Québec City and New York, by considering different scenarios and measuring its benefits compared to the traditional transport system.