
Incluant une Journée industrielle de l'optimisation

HEC Montréal, 7 - 9 mai 2012


HEC Montréal, 7 — 9 mai 2012

Horaire Auteurs Mon horaire

WA8 Métaheuristiques / Metaheuristics

9 mai 2012 09h00 – 10h40

Salle: Transat

Présidée par Sylvain Perron

4 présentations

  • 09h00 - 09h25

    Diving Heuristics Revisited

    • Daniel Rudolph, prés., University Paderborn
    • Leena Suhl, University Paderborn

    Diving heuristics are a general purpose approach to find integer-feasible solutions for mixed integer linear programs. The aim is an exploration of a root-leaf path of the Branch-and-Bound‐tree. We present a new approach for the backtracking procedure and a new diving criterion.

  • 09h25 - 09h50

    Solving Complex Optimization Problems with the CAT Metaheuristic

    • Marc-André Carle, prés., Université Laval
    • Alain Martel, Université Laval
    • Nicolas Zufferey, University of Geneva

    We present CAT (for Collaborating Agent Teams), an agent-based metaheuristic. Using this
    approach, the model is divided into several sub-models; each being solved using specific
    algorithms. Solutions to sub-models are then integrated into solutions of the complete model.
    The method’s components are presented and implementation guidelines are provided.

  • 09h50 - 10h15

    A New Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization

    • Hanaa Hachimi, prés., Agdal Mohammed V University

    In this paper, we present a new hybrid algorithm which is a combination of a hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization. We focus in this research on a hybrid method combining two heuristic optimization techniques, genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) for the global optimization. Denoted as GA-PSO, this hybrid technique incorporates concepts from GA and PSO and creates individuals in a new generation not only by crossover and mutation operations as found in GA but also by mechanisms of PSO. The performance of the two algorithms has been evaluated using several experiments.

  • 10h15 - 10h40

    Variable Neighborhood Search Metaheuristic for the MaxMinSum (p-dispersion-sum) Problem

    • Behnaz Saboonchi, prés., GERAD - HEC Montréal
    • Pierre Hansen, HEC Montréal
    • Sylvain Perron, GERAD, HEC Montréal

    Dispersion problems impose a challenge on heuristic solution procedures. Among
    different variations of the dispersion models, MaxMinSum problem has not been well
    explored in the literature. In this work we have developed several heuristics based on the
    Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic framework, including various greedy
    constructive procedures and different shaking strategies to solve this problem.
