ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

Schedule Authors My Schedule

THEMATIC SESSION: Managing Disruptions in Sustainable Supply Chains

Aug 29, 2012 02:30 PM – 04:00 PM

Location: VCH-2860

Chaired by Jairo Montoya-Torres

3 Presentations

  • 02:30 PM - 03:00 PM

    Towards a Conceptual Framework for Studying the Impact of Major Disruptions on Sustainability in Supply Chains

    • Jairo Montoya-Torres, presenter, Universidad de La Sabana
    • Luisa Huaccho Huatuco, University of Leeds
    • Tom Burgess, University of Leeds

    This paper presents a conceptual framework for studying the impact of major disruptions on sustainability in supply chains. It draws from two main bodies of literature: one concerned with disruption management in supply chains, the other with sustainability issues. The conceptual framework considers the impact of the characteristics (type,frequency and severity) of major disruptions together with the characteristics of the individual organisations and of their supply chain on sustainability in supply chains, in terms of economic, environmental and social dimensions.

  • 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

    Demand-driven Wood Remanufacturing Industry: Proposing a Planning Model and Evaluating Re-planning Policies in a Real-scale Application

    • Rezvan Rafiei, presenter, Universite Laval
    • Mustapha Nourelfath, Université Laval
    • Jonathan Gaudreault, FORAC Research Consortium, Université Laval
    • Luis Antonio Santa-Eulalia, Teluq
    • Mathieu Bouchard, VCO - Université Laval

    Managing uncertainty is one of the main challenges within the forest supply chain. Uncertainty arises from internal or external sources. Due to these uncertainties managers are not able to handle disturbances adequately by deterministic or predictive plans, because such plans are often generated in advance, and should have an ongoing reactive and adaptive process. Therefore, dynamic planning with the ability to respond quickly to real-time events is of great importance for the successful implementation of real-world systems. This paper studies a real wood remanufacturing unit that experiences disruptions due to uncertain demands during the planning horizon. In this unit managers are obliged to review the production plans daily, because of arrival of new orders. In order to handle uncertain demands, a complete re-planning approach by periodic policy is proposed and investigated through simulation experiments in a real-case application, to evaluate the impact of choosing appropriate re-planning frequencies for the rolling horizon, in terms of three performance measures; back order level, estimated value of production, and inventory holding level.

  • 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

    A Game-theoretical Model for Facility Location and Protection against Intentional Attacks

    • Naji Bricha, presenter, Université Laval

    The article presents an optimization modeling approach for allocating protection resources among a system of facilities so that the disruptive effects of possible intentional attacks to the system. This article considers the uncapacitated fixed charge location problem (UFLP) to deal with defence resource allocation. The vulnerability of each facility is determined by an attacker-defender contest success function. The article considers a two-period min-max game where the defender invests in the first period, and the attacker moves in the second period. This means that the defender selects a strategy in the first period that minimizes the maximum loss that the attacker may cause in the second period. The loss incurred by the defender is evaluated of the increasing in transportation cost, and the cost necessary to restore the disabled facility.
