ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

Schedule Authors My Schedule

THEMATIC SESSION: Military Logistics Applications

Aug 29, 2012 02:30 PM – 04:00 PM

Location: VCH-2840

Chaired by Walid Klibi

3 Presentations

  • 02:30 PM - 02:52 PM

    A Comparison of Decision Support Technologies for Operational Logistics

    • Snezana Mitrovic Minic, presenter, MDA Systems
    • Abdeslem Boukhtouta, CORA DRDC, Ottawa
    • Mohamad Allouche, DRDC Valcartier
    • Micheline Belanger, DRDC Valcartier
    • Jean Berger, DRDC Valcartier
    • Darren Thomson, MDA Systems
    • Alex Wang, MDA Systems

    This paper provides a preliminary analysis and comparison of selected information technologies and soft-ware systems characterized with functionalities useful to decision making in military operational logistics. Both, mili-tary and commercial systems have been considered, and the relevant functionalities have been divided in two catego-ries: information access and integration, and decision support. The results of the quantitative comparison study involv-ing few advanced systems have been presented.

  • 02:52 PM - 03:14 PM

    Scheduling of Humanitarian Relief Operations Using Military Logistics Capabilities

    • Samir Sebbah, presenter, Defence Research and Development Canada
    • Abdeslem Boukhtouta, CORA DRDC, Ottawa
    • Ahmed Ghanmi, Defence Research and Development Canada-CORA
    • Jean Berger, DRDC Valcartier

    We develop a scheduling methodology of humanitarian reliefs distribution using military tactical logistics. We address some issues related to storage and distribution of heterogeneous commodities in a theatre of operations using a combination of heterogeneous transportation assets. The scheduling problem is modeled as a multi-objective Integer Linear Programming (ILP), and solved using a large scale optimization techniques, namely Column Generation (CG). We extend the classical capacitated vehicle routing problem with time window to allow multiple time windows for delivery of multiple classes of commodities. The performances of the CG-based algorithm in deriving the integer solution and the added value of the multiple time slots delivery are analyzed using different hypothetical data inputs.

  • 03:14 PM - 03:36 PM

    On the Selection of an Operational Support Hub in the European Region for the Canadian Forces

    • Raman Pall, presenter, DRDC CORA

    The Canadian Forces (CF) is establishing a network of permanent and temporary operational support hubs at strategic locations around the globe to improve its ability to deploy and sustain forces overseas. This paper addresses the problem of determining the optimal location of such a hub in the European region from a list of candidates. The candidate locations were evaluated against a set of criteria by military subject matter experts. The weights of the criteria were provided on an ordinal scale. The volume of the weight-space associated to each of the possible rankings of the candidate locations was determined, and was then expressed as a probability measure. The expected rank of each location was calculated using this measure. The underlying assumption is that all weight vectors respecting the criteria ordinal ranking are equally possible. Significant differences were found in the suitability of the various candidate locations. Full results were communicated to the CF.
