ILS 2012
Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012
ILS 2012
Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

THEMATIC SESSION: Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains IV
Aug 28, 2012 04:30 PM – 06:00 PM
Location: VCH-2830
Chaired by Jean-Pierre Campagne
4 Presentations
04:30 PM - 04:52 PM
A Conceptual Framework for Location, Sizing and Operation of Urban Distribution Centers with Sustainable Performance Metrics
Most European cities describe a series of common characteristics that influence mobility and commercial activities and impose a series of restrictions in flows of freight deliveries in urban areas. In order to reduce both traffic congestion and pollution levels, several initiatives have been implemented around the world. One of them concerns the use of urban distribution centers near to the city center in order to consolidate freight. This paper considers the problem of locating distribution centers in urban areas and proposes a methodology based on mixed integer linear programming to find their optimal location. The models are validated using real-life data from the city of Saint-Etienne, France. Proposed models may virtually be applied to any city subject to proper data collection and pre-treatment.
04:52 PM - 05:14 PM
Sustainable Supply Chains and Responsiveness : Trade-offs in Supply Chain Planning
The most of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions are attributed to supply chain activities. Thus, a comprehen-sive supply chain planning models are essential to maintain the supply chain performance (cost-effectiveness) under environmental policies. These models should capture the trade-offs arising through the interaction between different supply chain processes such as material acquisition, manufacturing, transport, distribution, and recycling. Therefore, we propose a model for strategic supply chain planning that takes into account carbon trading and includes decision on supply chain responsiveness under different environmental regulations: caps on supply chain carbon footprints and recovery rate of products at the end-of-life.
05:14 PM - 05:36 PM
Assessment of Trucks Emissions and Impact of Eco-driving in Delivery Tours
Eco driving is often cited as a good practice to reduce fuel consumption by 10% to 20% and thus contributes to reduce CO2 emissions. As among other sectors, freight transportation by truck is one of the major contributors to CO2 emissions with 14% of the grand total in France. However, assessing its potential in actual operations is not easy and to our best knowledge has never been done before. In this research, done in collaboration with a logistics services provider operating its own fleet, we defined a measurement protocol and tested several incentives to motivate truck drivers in order to reduce fuel consumption. By reporting the eco driving strategy implemented in 3 different operational areas, this research has enabled us to understand the benefits of the actions to reach emissions reduction up to 4,2%. To complement other researches that aim to bring a theoretical analysis of the relation ship between the consumption and its impacting factors, this research is anchored in practice. This has enabled us to understand the need to evaluate the driving behaviour depending on the characteristics of the tour and the area. And help us to conceive a sustainable system of incentives for drivers.
05:36 PM - 05:58 PM
A Decision-Support Tool for Evaluating the Technical and Economic Potential of Integrating Bioenergy Production within Pulp and Paper Mills
To overcome declining markets and low-cost competition, Canadian pulp and paper (P&P) mills are considering the diversification of their product platform. Investing in bioenergy is emerging as a promising way to boost the sector. In this paper, we present a mathematical approach to evaluate the profitability of bioenergy investments, in the case of a P&P mill, while assessing technical and economical associated risks. The mill, so called integrated forest biorefinery (IFBR), could produce a set of high value bioproducts from biomass generated in the mill or supplied from outside. The P&P activity generates residues, such as black liquor and paper sludge, which could be used to produce bioenergy. The P&P activity should, then, be well managed, assuming the possibility to not produce pulp and paper for one or several periods. The objective is to develop a real decision-support tool for investors and stakeholders, within the forest sector, aiming to optimise the value creation network of the IFBR and to maximise the profitability of future investments in bioenergy, while optimising the existing P&P activity.