ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

ILS 2012

Québec, Canada, 26 — 29 August 2012

Schedule Authors My Schedule

THEMATIC SESSION: Inter-Firm Collaborations for Logistics I

Aug 27, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: VCH-2880

Chaired by Eric Ballot

4 Presentations

  • 10:30 AM - 10:52 AM

    Supply Chain Members Paradoxical Strategies: A New Systemic View

    • Iskander Zouaghi, presenter, CERAG UMR CNRS - University of Grenoble
    • Alain Spalanzani, CERAG UMR CNRS - University of Grenoble

    Supply chains are organizational systems characterized by complex behavioral interactions upon which partners adopt bipolar strategies that join paradoxical and constructive actions to evolve in an uncertain environment. This enables them, on one hand, to converge towards common interests through the development of cooperative actions and strategies; and on the other hand, to deviate on their own interests by adopting competitive maneuvers. This dynamics generates an ago-antagonistic system where both of these two concepts, namely cooperation and competition, simultaneously drive the supply chain. In the present article, this system is investigated by using ago-antagonistic systems theory in order to have a new outlook of the supply chain approach.

  • 10:52 AM - 11:14 AM

    Collaboration in Transportation Management – Case Study for the Forest Industry

    • Jean-Simon Dorval, presenter, Université Laval
    • Nadia Lehoux, Université Laval
    • Jonathan Gaudreault, FORAC Research Consortium, Université Laval
    • Philippe Marier, Université Laval

    Transportation is characterized by tight competition and operating costs that increase day after day. For the forest industry, transportation is even more complex because forest products have specific transportation needs while their value has not really increased in the last few years. In this context, the concept of collaboration in transportation becomes an opportunity to better use capacity and improve profitability. Moreover, decision support systems (DSS) applied to transportation management are powerful tools that, combined with cost sharing methods, deliver great results. This paper explores some possibilities given by combining collaboration models to transportation management for the forest industry. In particular, real data from a union of forest owners and their transporters are used to test different scenarios so as to decrease the transportation cost. After simulating various ways of doing the transportation, we want to show that it is possible to better use the ransportation capacity by greater collaborations between forest owners, customers, and transporters.

  • 11:14 AM - 11:36 AM

    Game Theoretic Contribution to Horizontal Cooperation in Logistics

    • Xiaozhou Xu, presenter, Mines ParisTech
    • Shenle Pan, École des Mines de Paris
    • Eric Ballot, Mines ParisTech

    Horizontal cooperation in logistics was proved globally advantageous, but we see only few realizations until now. The main obstacle to the successful implementation of horizontal cooperation is the absence of appropriate cooperation decision making model, consisting of the detailed cooperation process, the optimization model, and the stable-and-fair gain sharing mechanism. In this paper, we propose a practical cooperation decision making model for the realization of horizontal logistics cooperation scheme. This model is a decision process integrating an optimization tool and a game-theoretic approach to find a feasible allocation rule, and stable coalitions related to coalition structures issue. We propose a weighted allocation rule that takes bargaining power, contribution and core stability into account, and generalize it in games with coalition structure. Then we investigate related stability issue under two different cooperation patterns. At the end, we present a case study of France retail supply network, which verifies the cooperation model we proposed.

  • 11:36 AM - 11:58 AM

    An Improved Planning Coordination in a Decentralized 2-echelon Supply Chain

    • Maxime Ogier, presenter, Laboratory G-SCOP, Grenoble INP/CNRS/UJF
    • Van-Dat Cung, Laboratory G-SCOP, Grenoble INP/CNRS/UJF
    • Julien Boissière, Laboratory LISTIC, Université de Savoie

    This paper considers a two-echelon decentralized supply chain system with two actors, a logistician and a manufacturer. The problems of production, storage and transportation planning at tactical level using capacitated lot-sizing models are being studied and decentralized decision making is being considered. To achieve good economic performance, as in the centralized case, the two actors have to coordinate with each other to negotiate the quantities they exchange in the planning horizon. A coordination mechanism based on the negotiation process proposed by Jung et al. (2008) is being studied. Two major problems, imbalanced holding costs and storage capacity problems, which cause the decentralized planning under-performs the centralized one are identified. Hence, a modification on the original negotia-tion process is proposed in this paper to improve the efficiency relative to the storage capacity problem. The improved negotiation process is proved the converge ability, and computational results have clearly indicated economic benefits.
